God Gave us The Holy Spirit to Assure The Eternal Salvation

There are two aspects to the Holy Spirit in us. On the one hand, God puts His Holy Spirit in us as the seal to prove that we belong to God; on the other hand, God puts His Holy Spirit in us as the pledge, that we may know that whatever God will give us is guaranteed. One can see that these two aspects are different. On the one hand, the Holy Spirit causes God to know that we belong to Him. On the other hand, His Holy Spirit causes us to know that we belong to Him.

00:00:00 The Holy Spirit is the proof of our receiving the inheritance
00:06:24 The believers being the gifts given by God to the Lord Jesus
00:18:47 The Lord Jesus being our High Priest
00:28:32 God being the one who keeps us
00:40:48 The promises of God

This audio content is from the series of ‘The Gospel of God’, originally preached by Watchman Nee

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