The ministers
Issue no. 1
July 1, 1948
A few words concerning the publishing of the ministers
For years there have been many rumors but little news from various localities. Many localities have been out of touch with other localities. There is a real need for fellowship among the ministers. For this reason we are publishing The Ministers with the hope that the brothers will understand what we, as ministers, really are. We also hope to help each other solve problems encountered by the ministers. Finally, we hope that through this publication the brothers will at least know what is happening among the ministers. In these end times everything is solemn. These are more urgent days than we think. May the Lord have mercy upon us.
Your brother,Watchman NeeMay 21, 1948
God’s leading in mercy
After World War II, the Lord gathered a small number of co-workers together in Shanghai. We saw that the work in China was scattered and somewhat confused. We felt that we should come together in one central locality to lay a proper foundation before spreading out. Many localities continued to invite us, and we were eager to visit the brothers and sisters whom we had not been able to see for many years; nevertheless, we felt that the Lord was not doing this, and we did not accept invitations from any locality.
In spite of this constraint, by the end of last year, we felt that we should accept the invitations of the brothers in a few localities in Fukien and Kwangtung provinces. Consequently, we visited them. During that time, our inward burden was not to start any work but to seek fellowship in the Lord with our brothers and sisters in the hope that the grace in the Body could flow in these places. We went first to Hong Kong and met with Brother Weigh Kwang-hsi. Brother Weigh accompanied us in our visit to Canton and Swatow. We stayed for some time in each place and shared the Lord’s grace together. Brother Weigh then returned to Hong Kong, and we went to Amoy where we met Brother Chen Ke-san and others. Brother Ke-san accompanied us to Foochow. Foochow, like the other localities, arranged for six large meetings. (Brothers and sisters from the neighboring localities came to these meetings. However, our greater desire was to talk and fellowship with a small number of brothers and sisters.) First, we had a few days of gospel meetings; then some days of edification meetings followed. We also had some private fellowship with a small number of brothers and sisters.
We had hoped to use the opportunity of our visit in Foochow to go up to Kuling Mountain, where we would stay with Brother Nee for a few days to ask him some questions about our service to the Lord. However, when the co-workers from all the localities heard that we were going to have a meeting with Brother Nee (actually, we were not going to have any meeting, but to have some private talks only), they refused to leave because they deeply desired to attend these meetings. When we realized this, we discussed it with Brother Nee, and he agreed to allow these co-workers to come and listen to our talks. As a result, more than twenty co-workers attended these talks.
The talks began on February 26. We had a morning and an afternoon session every day. At the beginning of the morning session on the third day, Brother Nee asked me, “What should we talk about today?” I felt that I should ask him concerning a certain matter, so I said, “We have visited a few localities in the Fukien and Kwangtung provinces, and we feel that the work in every locality is scattered and somewhat in disarray. How should the work in these two provinces be carried out in the future?” He did not say much in his answer. I asked him further, “According to the Bible, are there regional distinctions in the work?” He said, “There are.” I followed up with another question: “Since there are regions to the work, are there also centers to the work?” He said, “There are.” Following this, he opened up the principle of Jerusalem to us. The gist of what he said is as follows: “God’s way was to concentrate His workers in Jerusalem to save people and establish the church. Then men were sent out from Jerusalem to Samaria and to the ends of the earth. When we read the command, `Be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and..Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth’ (Acts 1:8), we thought that the twelve apostles were to preach the word in Jerusalem, then in Samaria, and then in the uttermost part of the earth. However, what the Holy Spirit actually worked out was for the twelve apostles to preach in Jerusalem, and the people they gained to go out and preach in Samaria. After churches were raised up in Samaria, the apostles would go out to strengthen them, but it was the many believers who spread the preaching to the uttermost part of the earth.
“We know that the principle of Antioch which we saw in 1937 is correct. However, it is insufficient to have the principle of Antioch before we have the principle of Jerusalem. Our failures in the past years lay in our neglect of the principle of Jerusalem in our work. We should have concentrated the co-workers within a region in one place first and worked until the church in that place was completely established. Then we could migrate from there to other localities (or be scattered to various places through the Lord’s arranged persecutions). Churches should be established in this way. Peter should work in Jerusalem, while Philip should work in Samaria. After these places were established, there could be a beginning in Antioch.”
The co-workers who were present at that talk became clear about this principle. They were willing to lay aside their own work and have a fresh start in Foochow. They took Foochow as their Jerusalem and were willing to begin from there. As a result of this fellowship, the entire body of co-workers “handed over” themselves.
A few responsible brothers from Foochow were present in that meeting. They expressed their willingness to “hand over” the church there and allow the co-workers to take charge for the going on. Later a meeting for all the brothers and sisters was called on March 3, in which the responsible brothers formally “handed over” the meeting and our co-workers formally accepted it. In this way the work and the church in Foochow had a new beginning.
Before we went to Brother Nee for our talk, we had already invited him to come to Shanghai in March and April to render some help to the brothers and sisters who had come to Shanghai from other localities. (Some brothers and sisters had earlier informed us by letters that they would be in Shanghai during that time to receive help.) After our stay with Brother Nee, he accepted our invitation. Therefore, in April we had meetings in Shanghai. In those meetings the brothers and sisters also saw the same light, and they gave themselves and all they had for the coordination in the service of the Body. We really thank the Lord for His mercy on us! May all these matters be found pleasing to Him!
Witness LeeJune 14, 1948In Shanghai
Some service in Nan-Ping
I came to Nan-Ping two weeks ago to clear up some matters and to lead the brothers and sisters to know God in the way of inward life and outward service. Thank God for His co-working. I saw God’s presence, and the brothers and sisters were all moved to rise up to learn to serve.
We have now divided the services into gospel visitation, ushering, and cleaning. In the area of cleaning, many sisters are beginning to come to the meeting hall to scrub floors and benches and to wash windows. They are all living and joyful, and they clean the floors and benches well. I truly thank God for His mercy.
Your brother,Huang Guo-binMay 6, 1948
A report of a fellowship meeting
Scripture Reading: Heb. 10:25; 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:5-6; 1 Cor. 15:58
Our fellowship meeting tonight is a special gathering because there have recently been some new arrangements and decisions made regarding the work and business affairs of the church. We want to explain these matters to the brothers and sisters.
The new arrangement of the district meetings
The first thing we want to talk about is the new arrangement of the district meetings. We began the district meetings in May of last year, but now we have made some new arrangements. We have given each brother and sister a letter telling which district meeting to attend. You cannot freely choose. If you are truly inconvenienced geographically, you can ask the business office to change your assignment, but please do not make any change yourself.
The reasons for this restriction are as follows: 1) The size of each district meeting place is different, so we must arrange the number of people according to the number of seats that are available. Nevertheless, some places have been over-assigned. Of course, there will always be some who cannot attend some meetings for personal reasons. We believe that these places generally will be able to handle everyone. 2) There are 1,500 to 1,600 people in Shanghai divided into fifteen district meetings. If we do not designate who meets where, we will not know who has attended the meetings and who has not. 3) We want to render the brothers and sisters practical help. We want them to receive practical fellowship and visitation. If we do not designate their meeting place, it will be difficult to achieve these goals. We have considered this matter very much.
Combined meetings and district meetings
The second point is the combined meetings. We can say there are two kinds of meetings now: combined meetings and district meetings. There will be two combined meetings a week. One will be at ten o’clock on the Lord’s Day morning. The first Lord’s Day of every month will be a gospel meeting. The rest of the times will be for edification. Another meeting will be the fellowship meeting every Saturday night. These two meetings will be in the first district at Wen-teh Lane. There will be three district meetings a week: the table meeting on the Lord’s Day evening, the Tuesday night prayer meeting, and the Friday night meeting for new believers. These will be held in the fifteen different districts. There will also be a Wednesday night gospel meeting which will be held in four districts.
The gospel meeting is the meeting in which all the brothers and sisters must work. It is a meeting to work on others. The edification meeting is one in which a person is edified himself. In the fellowship meeting, one is either helped or is helping others. The table meeting is directed towards the Lord. The prayer meeting is where we come before God to work. It is the responsibility of every brother and sister to bring others to hear the gospel. We hope that every brother and sister can bring at least two people to the Lord in a year. It would be best if each one can lead five to the Lord. We hope that the brothers and sisters will bring their friends to hear the gospel at the Wednesday night gospel meeting in the district that is closest to them. The gospel meeting in the first district is especially important; it is a combined meeting of eight districts together. All the brothers and sisters have to bring their friends to fill up this place.
The meeting for the new believers will be a message meeting for those who have just believed in the Lord. The word to the new believers is very basic in nature. There are about fifty topics. We hope we can cover them all within a year. We invite all the brothers and sisters to come because, even if you have heard these messages before, you have not completely apprehended them. We hope that every brother and sister would receive this basic edification. Our requirements for this meeting are stricter. Please attend it in the district to which you have been assigned. If you fail to attend these meetings, you will bring trouble on yourself because somebody will come to visit you and make the lesson up for you. No meeting will be more closely monitored than this one. Therefore, if you want to avoid trouble, it would be best if you attended every one of these meetings.
The assignment of the main roles of responsibility
The third matter is the assignment of the main roles of responsibility. Last year we made some arrangements concerning the responsibility for each kind of business affair. A few days ago, we made some new arrangements for each area of work in the church. We now feel that another arrangement of responsibility must be made in order for every aspect of the work to be carried out successfully.
The more people there are in a local church, the harder it is to shepherd, fellowship, and visit the saints. The elders must bear the responsibility for shepherding, caring, and leading. But in a place with as many brothers and sisters as Shanghai, how can the elders cover things thoroughly? We have considered how we should take care of the need, and the result is the following arrangements: We have now divided the church into fifteen districts. Each district has a few responsible ones. These ones are not elders; they are merely learners learning to be deacons. Every district has its own leading brothers and leading sisters. There are also some helpers. Whoever is responsible for a district will make the arrangements for visitation and leadership in that district. Some districts, however, have two hundred people. Even the smallest district has a few dozen people. The responsible ones will not have time to care for everybody. Therefore, we have looked at the number of people in each district and subdivided the districts into groups. Each group has at least thirteen people and no more than eighteen people. Each group has two responsible ones. Each of these two will be responsible for visiting and leading an average of seven or eight people. In this way we will know if a person attends the meetings and what his spiritual condition is. We will not be cut off like we were in the past.
I call this assignment the “main roles of responsibility.” The elders take the main role in the local churches. The deacons take the main role in the districts. The responsible ones take the main role in the groups. The elders bear the responsibility of overseeing the church. They oversee the progress of each of the responsible ones in the districts. The responsible ones in the districts are like parents. They must know every situation and care for every need. We must have those who can preach the gospel, visit for the gospel, edify the new ones, visit the new ones, make up lessons with the new ones, help the poor, visit in emergencies, and visit when people come from other places. We must ask the right person to supply and fill up whatever need arises.
Therefore, even if we have a thousand or two thousand people, the responsibility of everyone is fixed. May we go on in this way, and may the Lord bless those who are taking main roles in the responsibility.
For the sake of our own benefit and for the successful moving on of the church, we have the following request:
Paying special attention to these arrangements
Do not look on this as an organization. If it is an organization, may God have mercy on us. We are one hundred percent not an organization. These are arrangements. We do not depend on these means, but we use them as a tool. If we want to satisfy someone’s thirst, we must use a cup for the water. We must have these arrangements before we can dispense the spiritual goods.
Some of you may be more educated or experienced in life. You may have been saved for many years and have much spiritual experience. Although we have not made you responsible for a district, we ask you to pay special attention to these arrangements. We have made these arrangements according to various considerations: Some people do not have time, some live too far away, and others have various reasons. The responsible ones for your district may not have the education or experience that you have. On the surface, it seems that you are following them, but before God, you should help them. If one with experience before God submits to a younger, less experienced person, I cannot tell you how much help the younger person receives. Conversely, if one with experience does not submit to a younger person, I cannot tell you how much damage the younger one suffers. We confess that our arrangements may not be altogether accurate, but if we learn to submit, they will always turn out to be for our profit. Learning to submit to someone inferior requires a particular measure of the Lord’s mercy! Brothers and sisters, do not question whether or not the church’s arrangement is right or wrong or whether or not the responsible one for the district is experienced. If we are willing to submit, we will gain the benefit in the discipline of the Holy Spirit, and we will release life through such discipline.
Finally, we hope that the brothers and sisters would consider one another as brothers and sisters and as members one of another. All of us should have the proper function and proper service.
All should obey before doing
We ask every person in the church to practice obedience. We should ask before doing anything. There is order and authority here. The church is a place of firm discipline. We must see that after man’s fall, he became very loose. May God have mercy on us that none would forsake his service or act in disobedience. (Witness Lee)
In April of last year we felt that we should build a meeting hall. At that time a budget of three hundred million yuan appeared to be a large sum to us. Some of the brothers and sisters gave their all out of their love for the Lord. We announced last September that we would not work according to the so-called way of faith but would ask the brothers and sisters to take the way of responsibility. The amount of responsibility the brothers and sisters would bear would determine the extent of our efforts. At the time there were three pieces of land. We classified them into three categories. If the offerings from the brothers and sisters were sufficient to buy the first piece of land, we would buy it. If they were sufficient only to buy the second, we would buy the second. If they were not sufficient for the second piece of land, we would buy the third piece of land. We wanted to see which piece of land God wanted us to buy. We continued this way for six months. Many times it appeared that we would succeed, but then we found that we fell short again. Today what God has given us truly surpasses what we could ask or think. He has given us the first choice.
A first-class piece of land
Although we went through a period of darkness, God has given to us according to His good will. We have truly learned something in this. The land now is at 145 Tung-ren Street (formerly Hardoon Road), Nan-yang Road. We have recently closed the transaction on it. The land is slightly more than 4.7 Chinese acres. There is a western-style house on the property already. We are preparing to build a meeting hall with the capacity for five thousand people.
All those with a burden for the new meeting hall
Brothers and sisters, if you did not give anything before, you can still give something now if you want to. (Zu)
I would like to add a few words concerning the building of the meeting hall. This piece of land cost approximately 130 million. We plan to start building in August. Presently, we are working on the design. We still need about ninety or one hundred million more. We must look to the Lord for this need.
There is another matter. Some consecration pledges, listing items of consecration which the brothers and sisters have handed in, have not yet been liquidated. It would be best if these brothers and sisters would dispose of these items by themselves.
Killing, skinning, and cutting the offerings by themselves
I just thought of one passage in the Old Testament where the people brought their offerings for sacrifices. They had to kill, skin, and cut the offerings themselves. Your giving something is your bringing the sacrifice to the Lord as a burnt offering. If it needs to be sold for cash, you need to sell it yourself. Aside from the money we need for the meeting hall, we also need one or two automobiles. They will cost several billion. The printing work also needs two billion. These needs are desperate. Therefore, now is the time for the brothers and sisters to begin skinning the burnt offerings which they have brought.
No centralization of finance
As a final point, we will not have any centralization of finance in the future. All the brothers and sisters should be living for the Lord. Their money and property should also be used for the Lord. Except for what is needed for living and business, the rest of our money and property should be offered according to the Lord’s leading.
There are four areas for which you can offer your money: the local church, individual saints, the work, and the workers. You can follow the Lord’s leading to give to any of these four areas. Perhaps you will be led to make an offering for the local need, an offering for another local church, an offering for the work (in your own region or in another region), or an offering to support the workers (in your own region or in another region). You might also be led to give to some needy brothers and sisters, or you might be led to give alms to the poor. You are not the only ones who should practice such offerings; the local church, the co-workers, and even the work can all be led to give to any of these areas. This is something done in life, something that requires the Lord’s leading. God likes this. However, the money which the brothers and sisters have given this time has mainly been used for the purchase and construction of the new meeting hall in Shanghai. May God have mercy on us in this matter. May God also bless us in His mercy. (Witness Lee)
Recorded by TaoMay 29, 1948
Waiting for confirmation
The brothers and sisters here are very burning. There have been three baptism meetings since January with a total of forty-eight people. They all miss you since you left, even though they do not know you because they are new believers. They have heard so much about you that they feel they know you. May you not forget the seeds you sowed with tears for three years.
When I came from Tai-Yuan to Tien-Shui, the call I received was for six months. Now there are just a few more days left. My time will be fulfilled on the twenty-third. I am still not clear if the Lord will lead me to leave Tien-Shui or to stay here. Although I have called you an old prophet and insulted you before, my original going from Tien-Shui to Tai-Yuan and then from Tai-Yuan to Tien-Shui was through your confirmation. You have always been the one who gave me confirmation. This time cannot be any exception. Please confirm again.
I will not be useful at all if I continue staying here. First, I am immature in life; second, I do not have light; and third, I stutter. The brothers and sisters all need feeding. They are starving, and I cannot serve anything to them.
I beg you to tell me briefly the important points of the messages released by the senior ones (especially concerning the practical matter of life and the foundational lessons). I am really like someone walking in a black cave. I cannot see or feel my way.
Liu Shao-wuApril 15, 1948
Mailing Address: 1 Cheng-Yuan Alley, Tien-Shui, Kansu
Things learned in the past two years
In the past few years, I have felt the need to step back because of the things that happened in the churches in Manchuria. I have not dared to touch the things which the Lord commissioned to me. As a result, I have not had much fellowship with the brothers. Thank the Lord! He tears down, and He builds up. He skins and wounds, but He also nourishes and bandages. He led me into the valley of death, and He also caused me to begin again in resurrection. I know God and the sweetness of living in His presence in the spirit of revelation. I used to suffer by having His presence and then losing it. I have recently gained some experience in continuous fellowship and in continuously turning inward. Sometimes I am not faithful, but I immediately confess my sin. Through the blood I can still peacefully lift my heart back to God. The work, the environment, and my position cannot really affect me inwardly. I do not allow them to entangle me or rob me of my central service. For the past two years I have struggled to keep myself out of any kind of entangled condition. Presently, I can rest a little. However, I do not want to lose my zeal for the work and my impetus for resisting the enemy. Sometimes when I am pulled away from the center, I return to the Lord as soon as I feel empty inside. I really feel that that day is drawing near, yet my experience of life is still so shallow. I really am short of His glory!
I recently learned that you had returned to Shanghai and had had some fellowship with the co-workers. I desperately want to join you and receive teaching and correction from all the leading brothers, but the time and environment do not allow me. It is really impossible. The Lord’s way is higher than my way. Perhaps the Lord is removing my spiritual laziness through this, that I might draw closer to Him and learn to be led into the hidden places of God. I can only yield to Him obediently. The only problem is that I am foolish and shallow. I am afraid to miss the teaching from the leading brothers and fall into darkness and be shut out of the Lord’s central work. It is a small thing for me to lose the blessing, but I must pay attention to the Lord’s heart’s desire. I have recently written a letter to the brothers and sisters in Shen-Yang. I am enclosing a copy of that letter. I am begging for your comment and corrections.
I bear much of the blame for all that has happened in the churches in Manchuria. Before God and before the church, I feel that there is only one reason for this: I do not have enough growth. If I prostrate myself humbly before the Lord and give myself to be thoroughly dealt with by Him, nothing is beyond hope of recovery. We are immature in Manchuria and lack spiritual knowledge. There is a great possibility we will be cheated and fall into darkness. Therefore, I want to lay my condition and the content of that letter before you, brother. I hope you can give me some advice and tell me which way I should go from now on. If you feel to show the letter to some other mature brothers and sisters, I am very willing to receive their teaching and care in the Lord.
The Lord’s children in Ch’ang-ch’un have been blessed by the Lord. He has kept us and watched over us. At the same time, He has built us up. I hope you will remember us in your prayers. We are lambs between Satan’s teeth. I greet you with peace in the Lord. Greet the brothers and sisters in the Lord in Shanghai for me.
Your brother in the Lord,Hwa Tien-minApril 5, 1949
Mailing Address: 101 West 4th Street, Ch’ang-ch’un
In Wu-Yuan
Peace in the Lord to dear Brother Witness:
I have not corresponded with you for several years. I really miss you! How are you? How are the brothers and sisters? I miss them all. After leaving Cheefoo, I went first to Bao-Tou, then to Feng-Zhen, and now I have come to Wu-Yuan. I have seen the Lord’s leading and grace in all matters. I am working for the Wu-Yuan county government, and it is going well. There are nine brothers and sisters here. We have meetings on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and the Lord’s Day, and we really have the Lord’s presence. Please remember us much in prayer. We hope you will write us often and teach us.
Your brother,Wang Chu HsinFebruary 2, 1948
Mailing Address: Wu-Yuan County Government Office, Sui-Yuan
All care
It was really God’s grace that I went to Shanghai and had the opportunity to fellowship with the leading brothers and sisters. The assembly in Tientsin has been really blessed by the Lord. There may be a baptism meeting soon. The brothers and sisters all feel that there is not enough room in the hall. They all care about this and feel that we should rent or buy a bigger house. We are now in the process of getting one. May the Lord give us grace. We hope you would remember this when you pray.
Did Brother Yu and Sister Wang go to Tsingtao? Have the brothers going to Foochow left yet?
Your brother in the Lord,Sia Xi-lingMay 17, 1948
Mailing Address: 116 Yau-Hwa Lane, Shansi Road, District 10, Tientsin
The future of the hebron orphanage
Greetings in the Lord to Brother Watchman and Brother Witness:
I left Shanghai on the eleventh and arrived safely in Hankow on the fifteenth. The problems in the school have all been resolved. The only matter left is personnel; I am desperately waiting for the coordinating brothers and sisters to come. We desperately need to resolve the future of the orphanage, both with respect to location and to method of administration.
Since my return, it seems as if I have committed a great sin, as if I have been struck with a great illness. My head is heavy, and my body is weak. I cannot pray or read the Bible. I cannot speak or even think. If the church does not make some arrangements for the future of the orphanage, I really feel that I will not be able to carry out my responsibilities. I would like to be able to drop this burden and look for a small place in a locality where I could learn to serve God with all the members in that locality. I am afraid of ending up in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, and shaming the Lord’s name.
It has been rainy for the last few days, and the river is rising quickly. It is two feet higher than it was in 1932. All the inhabitants of Wuhan are worried.
I have been working on the debts and doing the books since my return. I really ask for guidance with respect to the future. I am awaiting your prompt response. I respectfully greet you with peace in the Lord.
Your brother in the Lord,Lan Tsi-yiMay 20, 1948
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 99, Hankow
A dilemma
Letter one
I went to my office the day after arriving in Nanking and handed in my letter of resignation on Saturday. Because I did not want my superiors to misunderstand, I asked a friend to explain for me. I was surprised when my superior’s secretary returned my letter of resignation the same day that I handed it in. Today is Monday, and I went in to personally ask to resign. My superior refused to accept my resignation again. I asked him to find a replacement for me as a department head as soon as possible. I told him that I could wait for a short period of time. He agreed to consider it for a few days and said that I was not old enough to retire, nor was I physically disqualified for work. I have been very frustrated. It appears that I will have to insist on my retirement. My desire is to leave my job, and I have quit twice in four days. I am in a dilemma; I cannot resolve it. I hope you could give me some direction as to how to plan the next step.
Brother Lee Shi-chun also studied chemistry. He used to make soap and now wants to start his own business. Every time there is a meeting I must travel more than twenty miles. It is really difficult and time consuming. If we had one billion, we could be partners in a small soap factory. We would sell our products in the brothers’ stores or market stalls.
Peace to you in the Lord.
Your brother,Chang Yu-lanApril 26, 1948
Mailing Address: 30 Tse Tang Alley, Chung Shan East Road, Nanking
Letter Two
I wrote a second letter of resignation and received the following answer: “Please be constrained to remain. Wait until I return from America to discuss this.” My supervisor will go to America for three months on the nineteenth. I think it will be hard to resign. I plan to wait for three months before doing anything else. When are you coming to Nanking? The church here has no way to care for the saved ones. We cannot nourish the children we beget. We plan to have a baptism meeting on the twenty-first. I can do nothing. I am not good at nourishing. I hope you will come to make some arrangements.
Peace to you in the Lord.
Your brother,Chang Yu-lanMay 10, 1948
The signs of knowing oneself
When my mother returned during summer vacation last year and passed through Shanghai, you asked how I was doing. You asked because I had sent you a letter. I have been bothered about this because I should have sent a letter long ago telling you of my current situation, lest you worry.
I confess that much of the time I am in the valley of the shadow of death with darkness on all sides. It seems that I am in a hopeless situation. There is no human hope left, and God is hidden from me. Despite this, I have passed through all these circumstances. They only prove the words: “My grace is sufficient for you.” If I recounted God’s leading over the past few years, I am afraid that you would not have the patience to listen. I can only briefly give an outline. In general, all that I have passed through has caused me to know myself. I have also gradually learned that apart from dying to all things, man cannot gain God Himself; he can only gain gifts. Whether in the church, in my family, or in my personal life, God is constantly dealing with me so that I do not have any desire apart from Him. I know that if a man can really deny himself, he will enter true rest and peace. A man does not have peace, rest, or happiness because he loves himself. I do not know if I am right in saying this or not.
Thank you for your concern. I am very well. I have many difficulties, but I believe God can resolve them.
Respectfully,XXMarch 31, 1948
Learning to serve in Zhan-Jiang
Newly arrived in Zhan-Jiang
Almost six months have gone by since the church in Shanghai sent me here to Zhan-Jiang. The fruits which I have gained, however, are pitifully few, and the Lord is really dissatisfied. Whenever I consider how I have failed in my responsibility, I have no peace in my heart. Yes, if I could thoroughly drop the “earth,” the Lord could bring the “heavens” out through me. I have wanted to write you many times, but I was afraid in my heart. However, by His grace I must report the situation of this locality and of myself for His sake and for the sake of His church.
Thank the Lord that His will is never wrong. God sent me here to give me more opportunities to learn my lessons. Although I am not faithful enough, God still gives me the grace to be willing to treasure my time here. I cannot forget your word that these few years will determine my usefulness before God for the rest of my life. I feel more and more that I do not have enough time to do what I should do. If I do not have enough exercise before Him, I am afraid He will not increase His commission to me.
Sometimes I am very afraid because most of the people I contact are a generation older than I. Most of them are my superiors. They are also more educated. I am afraid to open my mouth to exhort them from a human point of view. I can only have the boldness to visit them when I rely on the Lord because there is no one else to do this work.
When I first arrived, I really wanted to meet some Christians. During the first week, I often went to the chapels in this place to talk to the leaders and to attend their meetings. I was hasty and did the most foolish thing: I “dug into the garbage can” by pointing out errors and unscriptural points to them. (May the Lord’s blood cover me, and may He give me grace that I would not do the same again.) Since the Lord wanted me to do the work of recovery, not the work of correction, I did not go to their meetings much after that. I did not even attend any Lord’s Day meetings for several months, preferring to remain alone in my dwelling reading God’s Word.
God gradually showed me that I must have a new start in the way of “recovery.” There must be a meeting in Siying with a pure standing. The few young brothers that I knew, however, did not know much about the church. Therefore, with much caution I suggested that we meet together. They were very happy. Since then we have had two meetings every week. At first I only knew a few brothers, and other people did not know about the meetings. Those who attended the meetings also thought that these were just home meetings. However, my goal was not limited to this. Although there were not many people in the meetings, I knew that this was truly a meeting with a pure standing in Zhan-Jiang. I looked to the Lord to increase the number of those coming to the meetings and to allow all His children in Siying to have the opportunity to attend such meetings. Unfortunately, some of the brothers who had a seeking heart moved to other localities because they had problems making a living. There were only two or three people left. At the same time, I was afraid that others would misunderstand me. I had to be patient and move slowly. I did not dare to carelessly invite any brother or sister that I knew to the meetings, lest people say that I was another denomination.
Moreover, I ran into difficulties with the meeting place. Several times I could not find a place, so we had to meet outdoors. (I preferred doing that rather than borrowing a chapel.) Because our meeting place was not fixed, I did not dare invite brothers and sisters that I had just met. Recently, we have begun meeting in my office building, taking the opportunity when my colleagues are out walking after dinner.
Thank the Lord, my surveying work in the countryside will be temporarily finished in August, and I will visit the brothers and sisters in this place after office hours. I have met more than twenty Christians. The difficulties I have encountered here were not found in Shanghai. When I was in Shanghai, I was not afraid when I met people because I could invite them to the meetings of the church, or I could ask older brothers and sisters to talk to them. It is not so convenient in Zhan-Jiang. Everything must be done by two or three twenty-year-old brothers who have just joined the work. Furthermore, there are no church meetings to bring others to, so the only way is to talk to them individually. If I can only have two families migrating to Zhan-Jiang, one to Siying and one to Chekan, the needs will be covered adequately. (The city of Zhan-Jiang is divided into the two districts of Siying and Chekan that are about twenty kilometers apart. It is a twenty-minute bus ride between the two, but because the people here are poor, not many can afford to take the bus.) If two families would come, many difficulties could be solved. We could meet in the brothers’ houses and have a meeting to remember the Lord on the Lord’s Day.
The city of Zhan-Jiang is in a very important location. It is in the southern part of Kwangtung province. As the most important town east of Kwangsi, Zhan-Jiang is the gateway to that province. In recent years public safety has improved, and the new railroad is finished. (According to the head of our department, it will be connected to the railroads in Kwangsi in one year at the latest. Then the rails will run all the way to Kuei-yang and Hengyang.) After the port is opened, the population could easily increase to more than one million. It has the possibility to become more important than Hong Kong or Canton. At present, Siying is a business center. There are offices for railway engineering, city government, customs, and salt works, as well as elementary and secondary schools, hospitals, and courts. My own engineering office has about four hundred employees (including more than one hundred engineers). Many hard-working Western missionaries live in Zhan-Jiang. One lived here for more than twenty years and died here. His daughter has continued her father’s work and remains here. However, no other worker has come from among us!
In addition to the Cantonese, there are some people here from other provinces. Most of the employees in my office were transferred here from the Bao-Tien Railway (in the region of Bao-Ji and Lun-Si). Although more than half are Cantonese, they are able to understand Mandarin quite well. My purpose in mentioning this fact is that brothers and sisters from other provinces should not turn away because of a language barrier.
Zhan-Jiang has only two public hospitals, and there is a pitiful shortage of doctors. One hospital has only one doctor, who also serves as the director of the hospital. In addition to these hospitals, there are six or seven private Western doctors in Siying. There are five or six secondary schools. There are the Customs Office, the Office of Shipping Ministry, the post office, banks, and the Salt Ministry Office. The brothers and sisters in Shanghai who are employed in these positions could request to be transferred, or they could come here to look for work. I deeply believe that sooner or later some brothers and sisters from among us must migrate here. If they come sooner, it would be more helpful to the expansion of the Lord’s work.
In my reading of the Bible, I found that the four Gospels have a few places that are different in the order of the events. Why is this? Sometimes one chapter speaks of several seemingly unrelated things, and it is difficult to remember them. What is the best way to read and remember the Bible?
I really hope that the Lord would give me the opportunity to learn to serve Him by following you. There are no older brothers and sisters to teach me here apart from God Himself. If I make a mistake, there is no one to correct me. I often feel that this is a suffering. I will tell you about the rest later.
Yu Pao-shengOctober 8, 1947
Please migrate to Zhan-Jiang
It has been almost half a year since I came to Zhan-Jiang! God indeed has had mercy on me and entrusted me with the responsibility for His “recovery.” Some of the brothers and sisters in Siying were cold and backslidden, but they have received mercy from God and have gradually returned to the Lord. Other friends have also accepted the Lord one by one and received life! Last Wednesday we held the first church meeting in a sister’s house. There were more than twenty people present including children. However, difficulties increase as we grow in size because we must establish the Lord’s table sooner or later, and we must baptize the people who are saved. However, no more than one or two people understand the truth of the church (even I myself do not fully understand it). I cannot bear such a heavy responsibility alone. Furthermore, I work for the Railroad Ministry and may be transferred to another place at any time. If the testimony of the church in this locality is to be maintained, one or two believing households should stay here permanently. For this reason, I ask God to send His children to migrate to Zhan-Jiang. This matter cannot be delayed and cannot wait any longer. I do not ask for much, just two households, one to stay in Siying and one in Chekan. Please remember that I was sent by you; reinforcements must continue coming, or the beachhead here will disappear sooner or later! May the brothers and sisters follow the Lord’s leading and migrate here. Blessings from the Lord to you.
Your brother in the Lord,Yu Pao-shengOctober 27, 1947
The beginning of the meetings in Siying
Since the pathway to the chapels was blocked, God having entrusted us with the responsibility for the “recovery,” we decided to have a new beginning. Soon after we made this decision, God opened a sister’s house (Mrs. Duan Fu-shen) for our meeting place. In the beginning we held believers’ meetings there, but in addition to the brothers and sisters, many unbelieving friends came, as well as children. We tried to divide the meetings into three: a Wednesday gospel meeting, a Friday children’s meeting at 6:30, and a Friday meeting for the brothers and sisters at 7:30. In order to allow the brothers and sisters to participate in the church service, we divided up the different areas of responsibility, such as setting up chairs, ushering, teaching children, leading the hymns, accounting, and clerical duties. If God does not abandon us, there perhaps will come a time when we will have the need to rent a house.
I really feel the need to remain in Siying for the sake of the church in Siying (because I cannot let it go yet). May God open a way for me to transfer to the Project Affairs Department so that I may stay in Siying and may meet more colleagues.
Because transportation is still inconvenient, no brothers and sisters have come here yet from Hong Kong or Canton. Will any brothers or sisters from the church in Shanghai come south in the near future?
The Lord’s presence be with you all.
Your brother,Yu Pao-shengNovember 18, 1947
Lessons learned in siying
In observing the children of God in Siying, I became conscious of the need to submit to the divine life and the importance of position and authority. If this matter is not upheld, the church will be in confusion, and nothing will be proper or orderly. When I was in Shanghai, often I was unwilling to submit to the older saints, and I was full of my own opinions. This greatly damaged the house of God. May God and you forgive me.
When I first came here, I was too “democratic”; I allowed the brothers to touch the affairs of the church too loosely. Thank God that my error has been exposed through practical lessons. Because some brothers knew too much about the matters in God’s house, they became proud and had a bad attitude about receiving teaching. This confirms the word in 1 Timothy 3:6. You did not tell me much about church affairs when I was about to leave Shanghai; I realize now that this was really wise.
Some brothers and sisters do not have a heart for God because they have received too little grace. When I meet this kind of person, my heart aches to the extent that I cannot say anything. I dare not speak, and my attitude appears cold and hard. When others see me, they think that I am proud or that I do not want to speak with them. I am really in a dilemma and do not know what to do.
The senior Brother Chao once said to me that when Brother Witness gives a message, his words are strong and severe, but once he steps down from the platform, he is very open to receive the saints. I also remember that Brother Witness once told me that when one stands on the platform, he must be faithful to speak God’s word. He should not be indecisive just because his brothers are sitting in the audience. But in his daily life, he must treat the brothers in a way they can bear. Sister Peace Wang also said in her letter that we should not be hasty in dealing with the brothers. The warm sun can cause dead branches to fall away. When I stood on the platform, I spoke a heavy word. Many brothers could not take it. Some were even repulsed. I fear that they did not have enough grace, even though they understood what was spoken. Consequently, they could not stand it. On the platform I rebuked the brothers for loving the world, and they felt that my standard was too high. They were unwilling to receive the word. Yet I did not have the peace unless I released this word, and I had nothing else to speak other than this.
This past Lord’s Day, we had a baptism at the beach. (Six people were baptized — three brothers, two wives, and an elementary school student. A month before Brother Yen came, two brothers were baptized.) That evening we had the first Lord’s table meeting with ten people in attendance. (All were brothers and sisters who had been baptized among us.) Those who had asked to be baptized spoke with us, the responsible brothers. They were accepted only after we consented. There were a few friends we felt that we could not accept, and we refused to baptize them.
We prefer to be very strict in order to preserve the holiness of the house of God. We do not baptize or accept people into the Lord’s table meeting loosely.
The following week, we had four days of gospel meetings. Because there were a limited number of brothers, we could only do what our strength permitted. I dared not be too hopeful that many brothers would come into the church. I only hoped to make one payment on my debt of the gospel. As a result of this gospel preaching, I hoped our living before our colleagues would be dealt with more and that we would not be so loose.
I always feel that our immediate colleagues are the best candidates for the gospel. If this barrier is not broken down, we cannot hope to save friends outside of our office. (Oh, this is difficult because we must fight with all our strength and give up our rights.)
There are a few brothers here who are willing to be in one accord with me and to die to mammon. They are willing to give up all the money that passes into their hands for the house of God. Apart from their individual need for food, they give their entire salaries to the church. The church has all kinds of needs. Some of my colleagues have seen this and think that I am drawing two salaries! (One from the church!) We can all live in the dormitories provided by the company, but for the sake of having a place to meet, we would rather rent a house and cook for ourselves after work. (One brother is physically weak and is temporarily convalescing in this house of God. He cooks meals so that a meal is ready when we come home.) Brother Yen also lived in this house of God while he was in Zhan-Jiang, and he ate with us. He was very touched to see the brothers giving their all to maintain this house of God.
Presently, the coordination is still not perfect. Several of the brothers are still single, and some of the wives who believe in the Lord still have unbelieving husbands. If an entire family of believers in the Lord could migrate here, the church of God could increase more quickly.
In the beginning we met in the home of a married sister, and her eighth-grade daughter’s heart was for the Lord. She often brought many of her female classmates to the meetings. As a result, several of these classmates believed in the Lord. Because we are too young, we are wary of being stumbled on account of the opposite sex, and we stopped our work among the girls after a while. I hope that a married sister can migrate to Siying in the future to continue this work.
I have gradually come to feel that the hardest kind of people to work with are those who have been in Christianity for many years. This work invites many false accusations. It is better and easier to speak to friends who have never heard the gospel.
I have not yet purchased the concordance written by Cruden, but I am still reading the Bible according to Brother Witness’s “rote memorization” method. I hope to memorize every chapter in the New Testament and read the Old Testament through one or two times first. It is very difficult to memorize the Bible. I often read a chapter more than ten times without being able to find its central thought. It is also difficult to find the connection between chapters. The order of events recorded in the four Gospels is mixed up. I really do not know what is the best way to study. I will be finished with my internship at the end of this month. I hope to be able to spend more time studying the Bible and only a small amount of time reviewing homework connected with the Railway Department.
I have noted the things in a letter sent to me by Sister Peace Wang. She said that we should strike a balance between work and study. In the past I worked too much and did not study enough. A young brother should spend more time on studying. Therefore, we would rather curtail our work and spend more time on studying the Bible. I do not know if I am right in doing this.
The customs officers here (Leichow Customs Office) are transferred often. Would the brothers who are customs officers in the Shanghai Office be willing to apply for a transfer to the south? The brothers and sisters in the churches in Hong Kong and Canton are too busy taking care of their own affairs. I do not expect any of them to migrate to Siying and can only wait for the brothers and sisters from Shanghai.
Your brother,Pao-shengApril 9, 1948
The present condition of the meetings
Presently, the meetings are much purer than before. Although the number is smaller, all have come for the Lord. All who attend the Lord’s table meeting are brothers and sisters who were baptized among us. I feel that I will allow the brothers to touch the affairs of the church only after they have been brought through the narrow gate of purging the leaven, and consecration to the Lord.
Our expenses for March were thirteen million yuan (the principal expense being payment on three months’ rent for a brother). Although this is not a great amount, several brothers have given their all. (My salary for March was only 2,800,000 yuan.)
Last Lord’s Day (April 18), four brothers and sisters were baptized. May the Lord bless you and be with you.
Respectfully,Pao-shengApril 22, 1948
Mailing Address: 20 Jie-Shih Road, Siying, Zhan-Jiang, Kwangtung province
A beginning in kuling mountain
According to the most recent letters from Foochow, more than twenty brothers and sisters have arrived there. P’ing-Yang sent the most brothers and sisters, Swatow was second.
The brothers and sisters began going up the mountain in different groups on June 4. After they arrived on the mountain, they met every morning from 8:00 to 10:00. After a break, they continued meeting until 12:00. In the afternoon there was rest until 3:00 and then work by assignments. There were also meetings in the evenings.
Waiting in Lan-Chou
..I have not written since coming to the Northwest. I have recently felt led by the Lord to simply discuss my past, present, and future with you brothers. I hope you will pray for me.
When I was in Tsingtao, it seemed that I received a calling for the remote regions. In the seven years that I waited before leaving Tsingtao, I became more and more aware of my spiritual poverty and weakness. I felt that I may not have had a calling, and so my purpose in going west was to do business and serve a little in the matter of hospitality.
I came to Lan-chou and used up almost all of my capital. The Lord made provision for me to come to Kansu College as an accountant. In that year God seemed to remind me of His calling through 1 Timothy 6:11-12 and 2 Timothy 1:6-8. However, when I considered the problem of my lack of gift, knowledge, and eloquence, I was held back by an invisible force.
On the morning of January 14, 1945, the Lord seemed to give me a clear revelation. It seemed as if a voice spoke to me, “Your name is not Shi-xin, which translated means `new,’ nor is it `decrease’; it should be `John,’ who said, `He must increase, but I must decrease.'” After I changed my name, I had a deep realization that the work before me did not require my gift or knowledge for the building of the church. Instead, I should rely on the Lord’s grace to pioneer and prepare His way.
Since I received the brothers’ confirmation and sending, I boldly ignored my own feelings and took my family on the road to Yungchang for two years. Then I went to Wuwei. Brother Lee Yin-xin arrived in Lan-chou in winter and sent us an invitation to come to him for fellowship.
Thank God! He brought me into His light in one of the meetings. Little by little I saw that my previous work was like the situation in Judges, where everyone did what was right in his own eyes. If one has not been connected with the source, how can one speak of work and service!
Therefore, I had to put those activities aside, despite calls from Yungchang and Wuwei and their attempts to persuade me to return quickly. I am peaceful remaining in Lan-chou to learn to serve God with the brothers here. I can only wait for His clearer revelation and leading with regard to my future.
I really hope the brothers will take time to teach me about God’s up-to-date desire and the way He wants to take. May the Lord be with you.
Your brother,John LeeApril 12, 1948
Lessons learned in Lan-Chou
The church in Lan-chou has been especially blessed by the Lord recently. The brothers and sisters are pursuing and growing in life. They have also been preserved by the Lord. Some have been brought inward by their environments. Others are going through trials, discipline, and even chastisements. Overall, the brothers and sisters among us have touched the real and living God and are in the process of coming out of Christianity and into Christ. Satan, however, has been attacking us very strongly; please pray for us much.
After the brothers left, we had two days of special gospel meetings on the first and fifteenth days of the first month of the lunar calendar. Although we were under fierce attack by the enemy, we saw the Lord’s victory in the end. The brothers and sisters all learned something. Praise the Lord!
We are in the process of leasing land and building a new meeting hall, and we have also seen the beginning of some monetary offerings from the brothers and sisters. Please pray for us much.
Your brothers,Si Lu-Chen, John LeeApril 12, 1948
Mailing Address: 5 Park Road, Lan-chou, Kansu province
Hope in the midst of disappointments
..With regard to going to Shanghai, I have desperately sought the Lord for these past few days, and I hope that the Lord would give me an open door to get there in a timely manner, but my environment has not released me. (The dean of my department has taken three weeks off, and he will not return to Tsingtao until around April 21.)
I have just come back from taking Brother Zi-jie to the dock, and my heart is filled with boundless disappointment! I deeply hope that by the Lord’s mercy I will not be rejected, and I ask the brothers to remember me in the Lord.
Your little brother in the Lord,Qu Xun-minMarch 31, 1948
Mailing Address: Nei 4, 1 Zi-Chuan Road, Tsingtao
The need to nourish others
Dear Brothers:
The Lord led us to begin preaching the gospel in November of last year. Thank the Lord for being with us. Many people confessed His name. We were not able to baptize them into the Lord’s name because we are weak and immature and because of other hindrances. On the eighteenth of this month, the Lord gave us special strength, and we were finally able to baptize them into the Lord’s name. Thirteen brothers and one sister were baptized. Many other people are also seeking this way. The Lord willing, we may have another baptism meeting. We are still praying concerning the time. May the Lord decide it for us.
O brothers! We feel there is a great problem here. God has borne so much fruit for us that we have no way to nourish them all even though our hearts are full of joy. We are still milk-drinkers; how can milk-drinking infants help newborn babes grow? May the brothers often remember us young, weak brothers before God, and may we not hinder God’s will and grace. Please send us letters to help us so that we could go on in the heavenly way of true light and so that we would have the strength to bring the brothers and sisters on. May the Lord’s grace be with you. Greet all the saints in Shanghai.
Representing the brothers who meet in the Lord’s name
in Xu-Zhou,Abel Wang, Liu Zhi-chengApril 22, 1948
Mailing Address: Dawning Light Pharmacy, 211 Peng Cheng Road, Xu-Zhou
Presenting our bodies
Greetings in the Lord to the most respectful Mr. Nee:
Please read this letter to the end and do not set it aside.
I fully admit that I am most poor and pitiful before God. I have nothing, know nothing, and am worth less than a dead fly because I can only commit sin and come short of His glory.
Honorable Mr. Nee! I hope you will remember me, the most pitiful among the pitiful ones, before God often! May He completely gain this lowly, worthless person and strip off all that is not from God Himself.
Early this morning, my elder brother told me a little about the brothers and sisters in Shanghai and how they had handed over themselves and all they had to the church for God’s use. Oh! I am so happy for them! Because I feel that this is such a great blessing, an indescribable desire, need, and hope swelled up in me to participate in this blessing.
Honorable Mr. Nee! I now present my body completely to the church and offer it to God. Could you please answer me and tell me if the church accepts it? I really want to be completely gained by God! I want so very much to be His slave for my entire life! May God have more mercy on me!
Everything of the past has passed away. I can only ask God for forgiveness. May He give me a new, good beginning! Peace to you in the Lord!
Your very young brother in the Lord,XXApril 20, 1948
(First-year medical student at Central University, Nanking)
Is it possible to learn to serve God by entering another profession?
Peace in the Lord to the honorable Brother Witness:
With respect to the situation here, I believe that Brother Caleb and Brother Yin-xin have already spoken to you, so I do not need to mention it again. Five years ago I spoke with you, when we were about to depart from Brother Wang Jing-bo’s house, concerning whether or not I could enter another profession and still maintain my present standing to learn to serve God. I was put into an environment several times in which I wanted to try, but the Lord never allowed me to do it. He always turned me back with His powerful hand. I have not dared to do any business; I am only waiting for the Lord’s time and looking to His leading and arrangement. Please give me a little confirmation, and I hope you will pray for me. May the Lord’s grace be with you.
Your brother,Wang Yi-xienApril 24, 1948
Mailing Address: 5 Xiang-Shui Street, East Blvd., Baotou, Suiyuan
Lessons learned by a young brother in preaching the gospel
First letter
By the Lord’s marvelous leading we were able to have two gospel meetings on campus. One meeting was in Professor Guo’s home (more than thirty people came), and the second meeting was in his laboratory (more than one hundred came). I preached both times. The condition of the first meeting was very good, but some of my inward burden could not be released at the second meeting because there were too many people, and the word was not rich enough. The Lord has already led us to gradually build up a beachhead among the female students. There are, however, many difficulties: 1) We will be on vacation in two months, and everybody is very busy. 2) There are many activities and clubs on campus which take up much time. Many people like to attend them and are not willing to listen to the gospel.
The Lord’s presence and arrangement are too obvious; however, the devil is not happy either. I hope you will pray much. Please tell me if you have any suggestions. Soon we will have a gospel discussion meeting for people to ask questions.
The situation at the Frontier School is becoming more and more difficult, but we are thankful because those whom we have recently baptized really have a heart. Tomorrow we will have a meeting and give everyone a chance to ask questions. What suggestions do you have? I have much homework, but I have put it aside. May the Lord bless you!
May 6, 1948
Second letter
The situation at the Frontier School is extremely difficult for many reasons. It is too far from the meeting place, and transportation is a problem because the Number 7 Bus has stopped running. There are only two school buses which shuttle back and forth to the police academy. Walking takes two hours round-trip, and on rainy days only those who really have a heart would walk. They are lazy and indifferent. In another month, I will go on vacation. Then semester exams will follow, and I must care for the brothers and sisters in my school. Time is too short; there is nothing I can do. I do not know if God wants me to change my direction and stop going to the Frontier School to preach the gospel, and instead bring the more than thirty students who are willing to receive the Lord to a clear knowledge of salvation so that we will have a good foundation before continuing with the spread. I am afraid that everybody is a little tired of always preaching the gospel. What do you think? The condition of the gospel at Central University is very good. The brothers and sisters have had a new beginning, and the numbers have increased by fifty percent. Many male and female students as well as janitors are willing to accept the Lord. May the Lord continue His leading and presence. I hope that during this summer vacation a few stable brothers and sisters will come to Central University to take the entrance exams so that the gospel will have a way to spread further. I deeply believe that the Lord will give you a burden to pray for this. I hope you can come soon to point out the way ahead of us in the Lord’s light. May the Lord be magnified!
May 10, 1948
Third letter
The condition of the Frontier School has not changed much. I do not think we are without a way. If we only had a bus to pick up students and take them back, the difficulty could be resolved. The original Number 7 Bus stopped running, so unless a person’s heart is really drawn by the Lord’s love, it is hard to walk for one hour to the meetings, especially on rainy days. The brothers who are weak physically feel that their heart is willing, but they do not have enough strength. I am looking to the Lord to resolve this difficulty for us.
If the Lord has mercy on us, there may be a beginning at Jin-Ling (Nanking) University; however, because of the heavy religious background, one can expect that road to be tortuous. I will report to you when something has started.
The meetings at Central University have started. The Lord has also added saved ones to us. Presently, we have almost forty people meeting together with us. Professor Guo’s house is already too small, and we have moved to his laboratory.
My heart feels that it is getting harder and harder for me to go on. There are so many things happening outwardly, yet I am so dark inwardly. I lack real revelation and light. I am still my old self; I have not learned anything new, nor do I have a stronger heart. Without the Lord’s mercy, I will stumble and fall. I really hope the Lord will give you the burden to pray for me. May the Lord draw me again so that I may rise up to seek and know Him. Oh! Only the Lord knows my pitiful, desolate condition!
I know that you are pressed for time, but I hope you will say a few words to me from the heart and answer the questions I have asked.
Respectfully,Chong-enMay 24, 1948
(A first-year medical student at Central University, Nanking)
Announcement of three kinds of planned publications
In recent years we have had an acute sense of the neglect of the publication work! We have waited on the Lord time and again and have made some decisions. We will put out four kinds of publications beginning in July of this year: 1) The Ministers, 2) The Gospel, 3) The Way, and 4) The Testimony. We have temporarily decided to make them all bimonthly publications. Thank the Lord, the first issue of The Ministers has been published. We hope the other three publications will be ready on schedule. This burden, however, is very heavy. It requires that each reader pray much for us.
Concerning the ministers
NATURE: To show the way to serve, to help the serving ones and the churches in the different localities go on, and to solve the problems related to the ministry.
TIME OF PUBLICATION: Temporarily set at bimonthly.
PRICE: A) We want to give this publication out free of charge, but because we must register with the government and the post office and to prevent those who do not need it from reading it carelessly, we are forced to temporarily set the following price: 60,000 yuan per issue for the first three issues. (International postage is an additional cost. Airmail is an additional cost.) B) We will consider giving the publication to those who really need it but cannot afford it. C) We will receive gladly from those who are able to make a donation to help with the cost of publication.
SUBSCRIPTION: Whoever would like to subscribe to this publication should fill out one of the cards provided and mail it to the Shipping Department, Gospel Book Room, P. O. Box 5008, Shanghai. (In every place with a local church, please contact the local church there.)
- Table of the condition of brothers migrating from Cheefoo to Suiyan province
- Table of the condition of all the localities in the northwest
Our bookroom is in the process of reorganization. For the sake of the testimony and for the convenience of management, we would ask the following of each locality and of all those who are closely related to our bookroom:
1) Please do not freely use the name “Gospel Book Room” for any of your organizations. (We dare request this because we are all one in the Lord.)
2) The Gospel Book Room takes back all of its copyrights as of this date.
3) If your locality has already printed copies of Gospel Book Room’s publications, do not print any more after these are sold.
P.S. The Gospel Book Room has rented P. O. Box No. 5008 in Shanghai. Please send any letters to this address in the future.
The Shanghai Gospel Book RoomJuly 1, 1948