Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer: November 1st

Tozer in the Morning – GOD KNOWS THE HYPOCRITES

I do not consider that it is my place as a Christian to stand around making judgments and calling other people “hypocrites.” Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only man I know who was holy and perfect enough to call the religious leaders of the day hypocrites. I am just a man with faults and shortcomings of my own, and I must always consider myself lest I be tempted! I preach to my own congregation about our faults and our failings, with the warning that some of our professions of blessing and victory may get into the area of “umntentional hypocrisy.” Through the grace of God and the kindness of our spiritual ancestors we may have spiritual light that some others do not have-but in all honesty, we are wretchedly far below what we should be in living up to it, day by day. It helps us to be honest and frank and humble to know that the great God Almighty knows the secrets of every person’s heart!

Tozer in the Evening – GOD GIVES-AND GIVES

We ought to spend more time remembering the blessings and the benefits God is continually giving us while we are alive-before we leave this vale of tears! He gives us forgivenes – so we are to live for Him as forgiven sinners. He gives us eternal life. This is not just a future reality – our life in Him is a present bestowment. He gives us sonship: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God!” In this relationship there are many other gifts we receive from God, and if we do not possess them it is because we are not God’s children in faith! We ask God to help us, to meet some need, to do something for you, and the Lord mercifully does it. I consider these the little and the trifling things, yet we make a great deal of them. But they are really the passing things compared to the great present benefactions of forgiveness, reinstatement in favor with God, sonship and eternal life!

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