Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – January 25

These twelve Jesus sent forth. — Matt 10:5

Jesus took twelve men and prepared them so that they could take up His work when He went away and carry it on. He wants all His followers to be apostles. They must be disciples first, learners, and then apostles. We are not ready to go out for Christ till He gives us authority over evil and power to do good. Some one gives this rule for life: “Make yourself good, and make other people happy.” Some people try first to make others good, but we should begin with ourselves.

The apostles were to be the helpers of others in every way they could be. They were to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Jesus gives us power to do whatever He wants us to do. Jesus sent His disciples out amid dangers. We need never fear to go where Christ send us. Sometimes the only way to save our life is to lose it.

“‘Tis man’s perdition to be safe,
When for the truth he ought to die.”