Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – February 24

He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. — Matt 24:13

This is a world of peril and danger.

The day, which opens with calmness and beauty may end in disaster and trial. The words of the Master here tell of great calamities – wars and rumors of wars, the clashing of nations, famines, earthquakes, and these, He says, would be but the beginning of troubles. There would be persecution for His friends, which would try their loyalty, and in the testing(s) many would fail.

But in all these dark days one clear light would shine.

Those who would endure to the end should be saved. We have this comfort in all life’s trials. We cannot avoid suffering. We must meet temptation, but we know that if only we continue faithful, resisting even unto blood, no temptation can harm us. If we endure to the end we shall be saved. Nothing can wrest us out of Christ’s hands, nothing but unfaithfulness.

If we endure, we shall come out victors over every enemy and every danger, through Him who loves us.