Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. — Matt 24:46
In the great events, which shall mark the end, not one of Christ’s own shall be lost. While the sun shall be darkened, and the stars fall, and the heavens be shaken, the angels shall be gathering out God’s chosen ones from all quarters.
As a ground of confidence for those who have committed themselves to Christ, we have the assurance that no word He ever spoke shall fail of accomplishment.
The time of Christ’s coming again is among the secret things, which belong to God. We are not to trouble ourselves to try to know when it will be. There will be no time to prepare when the event occurs, for it will be sudden and unexpected; hence we must always be ready.
Our Lord when He comes would find all His friends quietly and methodically doing their work. This is the only true preparation, and the only way to live so as to be always ready for Christ’s coming, whether He come to us in what we call death, or in His own glorious appearing.