They that were ready went in. — Matt 25:10
Ruskin’s motto was “Today.” It was graven on a piece of chalcedony, which lay always before him on his desk. No duty must every be postponed.
The difference in the virgins in our Lord’s parable was that the wise did every duty at the right time, while the foolish deferred things. The wise were not taken by surprise. They had no need to stay awake; they were ready for their Lord, however suddenly He might come. The others slept without preparation, and the bridegroom’s coming smote dismay to their hearts.
We cannot prepare for life’s great emergencies at the moment when they arise, but faithfulness to duties as they come fits us for any emergency, however suddenly we may have to face it.
There is a difference in the gifts and opportunities of men, but all may win reward by faithfully using what they have. We should not forget that condemnation of one man comes here, not for crimes, but for not making use of what had been entrusted to him.