Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – July 24

How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? — 1 Cor 15:35

There is a great mystery about the future life.

What kind of bodies will our dead have when they come again? We do not know. All that people tell us in trying to answer the question is only a guess, for no one has been through the gate and come back again to tell us of the experience – no one but Jesus Himself.

Paul’s answer about the seed means that the body which will come again will be the same, yet not the same. The very seed sown does not come up, but something more lovely, a plant with life and foliage, blossoms and fruit.

This tells us that the body of the resurrection will be far more beautiful than the body we lay in the grave. In another place Paul tells us that the body of our humiliation shall be fashioned anew, that it may safely leave all this in the hands of God, to whom belong all secret things, assured that no mind can conceive the blessing God has prepared for us.

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