Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – July 25

Now concerning the collection. — 1 Cor 16:1

It is remarkable that the next sentence, after the conclusion of the wonderful chapter about the resurrection of Christ and His people, begins – “Now concerning the collection.”

It seems at first like a startling descent from the sublime truths of the resurrection and immortality to “the collection.” But at the back of even the smallest duty lie all the glorious truths of Christianity.

Then we should not think of “the collection” in a church service as a minor or unimportant part of the worship. The collection of which St. Paul spoke here was for the saints who were suffering in famine, and he called upon their brothers to share their plenty with them. That was a sacred and holy duty.

Always the collection is important – it is an offering to God. The giving is part of the worship, and not a secular interruption of the service. We should give our money to God just as we give our praise, our love. The collection is holy, and should be taken reverently. Jesus sits over against the treasury, and sees how men give.

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