Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – December 23

Then began He to upbraid the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done, because they repented not. — Matt 11:20

Even Christ’s work sometimes seemed to fail of results. We should not then be cast down if sometimes our work does not appear to yield any results. It may be no fault of ours that there is no harvest. It certainly was no fault of Jesus if His work was not always successful.

There is something else in these words: mercy rejected is changed to judgement. Jesus had long poured out His grace upon these cities. He had lived among the people; they knew His life. He had wrought miracles of healing before their eyes and spoken words of truth in their ears. But they had rejected all His teachings and shut their hearts against His love. So now He upbraids them. Even Christ’s denunciations are full of tears. Yet we must not think that He was incapable of severity. He whose love glowed in such infinite tenderness on the cross will sit on the throne of judgement and His presence will smite terror into the hearts of all His enemies.

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