Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Matthew 4:7
Testing God means to deliberately put oneself in a situation in order to test whether God stretches out his hand to do something. This action implies forcing God to protect oneself, which is a challenge to God.
To deal with those who misuse the Bible, we should learn from the example of the Lord Jesus, and we also need to study other words in the Bible to have a right understanding the meaning; We should use all wisdom to keep God’s words rich and rich in our hearts (West 3:16) in order to avoid deception.
The devil tested Jesus to “throw himself down” form the temple, Jesus refused, it is not because He can not, but because He deliberately stands in a position of obedience, and He will not do anything without God’s command; the Lord’s work is a miracle, and the Lord’s non-doing is even more a miracle.
We should only believe and obey God, and we must not deliberately test it; testing God means that we have doubts about God’s love and power.
Satan used God’s words and asked the Lord Jesus to do it. He thought Jesus would do this to show his faith in God, but the Lord said it was a temptation to God. The real faith is to believe what God said first, then we obey; to test God is to arbitrarily take action based on part of God’s words in the Bible, and force God to take responsibility for us.