“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10
Most crimes worldwide are often caused by the love of money. Some people still believe that money can bring happiness, satisfaction, or success. These people desire more because it satisfies their inner being when they know that they are earning more and becoming more. However, the Bible carefully warns us of the danger of hoarding wealth and being materialistic. These actions lead to greed and entitlement.
It is never wrong to desire a comfortable life. However, if it turns to a desire to have more than what is enough, then you are in danger. God provides according to His Will, but when you feel like He is not blessing you enough, have a heart check. Maybe you are longing for worldly pleasures that you see in the lives of the people around you. Be careful, God has called us to enjoy the things of this world, but He never says to love them with all our beings.
Loving money and the feeling it brings gives us a false sense of security. We tie our identities down to what we have or what we have achieved. So when everything fails, we become lost because we do not know what or who to hold on to. Because of our extreme greed, we fail to acknowledge the One who blesses us. We only want the blessing, but not the Blesser. Look closely, you are already blessed as you are. Everything else is just a bonus.
When we try to fill ourselves with the things of this world, we cannot make room for God’s true blessings when it arrives. For others, they are already in an endless cycle that is never satisfied with what God has blessed them with. You see, it will be harder for us to share, wait, live simply, be grateful, or influence positively when we are in an endless cycle of greed.
Learn to love God, not money. Money will come and go, but God’s love is the only constant in this world. Fix your eyes on Him, for there is a great blessing to those who love Him more than the world.