Examples of judgment (42)

Examples of judgment (42)

  Date:August 21, 1948

Testimony by brother D. X.

  I am a common, ordinary man who has not received much education. I have been a believer for twenty-nine years. Before I was saved, I could not find any rest from the world, even though I read a great deal of Buddhist literature. Later I read the Bible and discovered that there is an explanation to every person, thing, and event in our life. I believed in the Lord. Later I subscribed to The Christian and read an article about leaving the denominations. I decided to leave my denomination together with another brother. After this we began to meet with about a hundred people on the ground of oneness of the local church. Most of them were poor, illiterate farmers, but all of them loved the Lord in one accord. They all lived a simple life and were full of peace. My oldest son did not believe in the Lord. I prayed for him earnestly with tears, and eventually he accepted the Lord. Every time I faced a trial, I would fellowship with the Lord, and this fellowship was so sweet to me. I do not know how many years I have left, and I do not know how to go on in the Lord’s way, but I pray for the Lord’s mercy and guidance.

Brother Nee’s comment

  In China the greatest number of churches are found in the Wenchow, Chekiang area. Some workers have passed away. Among the older ones, only Brother Du-xin Yu’s course has been a straight one. He has committed himself to the Lord, and the Lord has never failed him. God has led him to build up many churches. You say that you are an ordinary man with little education, but this matters little in the eyes of God. I hope that our brother will be much enriched in the spiritual life. Although you have touched the right way and have run the straight course, this is not enough. You have to ask God for mercy so that He would guide you to receive more abundant grace within a short period of time.

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