Examples of judgment (9)

Examples of judgment (9)

  Date:July 1, 1948

Testimony by sister S. S.

  When I was sixteen I applied for baptism. But at that time I did not know what faith was and what salvation meant. Later I became clear about my salvation. After a while I became cold once again and even began to doubt my salvation. I was stirred up by others’ testimonies when they testified of their fellowship with the Lord, but I myself did not have such fellowship. Later I began to pursue after the Lord and picked up some experiences. I am always sick, and this is quite a trial to me. I used to meet in the denominations but was very dry spiritually. Later I read the publications of the Shanghai Gospel Book Room and touched a flow of supply there. I came to the local church, began to fellowship with the saints, and started to grow spiritually. Many things which had held me back were resolved during my time of meeting with the saints. I have personally received very little directly from the Lord. Many times when temptations come my way, I am too weak to handle them. Although I am stronger than I used to be, I am still behind in many of the basic lessons. In recent years I have experienced frequent condemnation from Satan. Finally, I would like to ask two questions: How does a person receive light? The second question has to do with the sisters’ service. What is their proper place and sphere?

Brother Nee’s comment

Paying attention to the major issues

  Absalom failed because he was not clear about two things. First, he fought in the forest, not in the open. A forest is a tangled place. Second, he fought with long hair. This is personal entanglement. Man’s hair is his most minor and insignificant part; it is of no major concern. Absalom’s hair was not only fine, but long and thick. It became tangled in the branches. This led to his failure. We also have many minor and lengthy affairs that entangle us. On the one hand, we cannot be like some unbelievers, who adopt a philosophy of diffidence to minor issues. Christians should take care of minor matters and particulars, but we cannot pay too much attention to the minor issues. We need to have a sober heart that takes on major issues and commitments. We should not allow the minor issues to frustrate the major ones. I am not saying that we should take care of the big things at the expense of the small things. I am saying that we have to know what things are more important. We have to set our eyes on the greater things of God and not be bogged down by personal, minor dealings. We should assign these minor things to a corner. If we do this, we will become much more useful in our service to the Lord.

  You have experienced many trials and have won some minor victories. But if the Lord grants you mercy to expand your capacity, you will see that the Lord’s work is great and that His requirements of us will also be great. I am afraid that you miss the great “good,” the great grace, and the great light when you are so concerned with the small “good,” the small grace, and the small light. Paul was attentive to small details, but he was careful about the big issues. This is being balanced. During the past years, the church has been in ruin, and there has not been a proper coordination among the ministries. As a result, we were not able to assign to you any major responsibilities. If you come before God’s presence, you will realize that you are being hung by the smallest details. Absalom’s fine and long hair became hung on the branches before he could fight. This hanging led to his death. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with the minor issues. But many small things have limited our capacity for the work.

  When your conscience bothers you, you have to deal with it. But you should not set your eyes on your conscience all the time. You have to be positive and aggressive before the Lord. Always stand on His side, serve Him, and engage in some works in the church. If a man pays attention to the condemnation in the conscience all the time, and if he constantly sets his eyes on the small things and stretches his thin hair, he will get into trouble. On the battlefield we have to cut our hair short; it must not be long. Warfare is more important than everything. If our conscience condemns us, we take the blood and the matter is resolved in a few minutes. Even if we have been under condemnation for five days, this condemnation can be resolved in a few minutes when we put it under the blood. A brother asked me about my health, and I could only reply that I had no time to be sick. I do not even have time to think about my health.

Receiving light

  All “chastening” light begins in a small way; it moves gradually to larger degrees. When great light comes, everything is settled. We cannot be too absolute with spiritual things. Although the small light cannot replace the big light, it can open the way for the great light. A man first receives light in small measure. Later he receives the great and “punishing” light. Such light will increase the riches in him.

The place and scope of the sisters’ service

  Concerning the place and scope of the sisters’ service, I would say this: In Romans 16:7 we find women apostles. First Timothy 3:11 speaks of deaconesses. First Corinthians 14:1 and 11:5 speak of prophetesses. Therefore, women can work. But 1 Timothy says that a woman should not teach with regards to biblical teachings and should remain silent when the whole church is meeting together. Paul forbade woman from doing the work of a teacher in 1 Timothy. The ascertaining of truth is a work that belongs to the teacher, and sisters should not do this. Some of the greatest heresies in this world come from women. The founders of the Christian Scientists, the Seventh-day Adventists, etc., have been women. The work of the sisters can be great, but the person of the sisters cannot be great. They should not expose themselves and should not be the ones to discern the truth.

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