“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”” MATTHEW 28:18-20
When we are out with our friends, we always love to share great stories with them. Stories that have made our day, stories that have made us smile, stories we can’t seem to forget, stories that we are proud of. Do you agree? We always love to share the good news that has happened to us. This is no different from how the gospel is supposed to be shared easily. The gospel, also known as the “good news,” is meant to be passed on to all men everywhere. It is intended to be heard by all, good or bad, healthy or sick, broken or complete, anyone.
It takes a disciple to make a disciple, and when you were given the privilege to be saved, you are not called just to sit around and wait for His coming. Jesus called you to go and make disciples. Disciples aren’t created from spontaneous conversions or “devoted” supporters of a cause. They are made. They are a product of a process that involves other believers praying for them and teaching them the Word of God.
Jesus Christ was not suggesting when He said this great commission. He had the authority to make this command because He is equal to the Father. We must be reminded that only through His power and authority will we be guided, protected, and empowered when we go and share the gospel with others. We are not to share just His teaching in Words but all that He has commanded.
The latter part of the Scripture states that Jesus didn’t just send His disciples to fulfill a mission. He also promised to be with them even until the end of the age. This means that while we are working for Him, He is also working with us. And not just that, He is also working in and through us. This promise isn’t just composed of His presence. This promise includes peace, protection, and power. Isn’t it amazing?
When we come to know Jesus, we will always have the urge or desire to tell others about Him. You see, you can’t honor God without making Christ-committed followers. Loving God always involves obedience. Especially when it’s made for His kingdom, the more you strive to know Him, the more He will reveal Himself to you, and the more you have the desire and ability to lead others to know Him.
We all want to live a meaningful life, a life that has impacted others, the one with purpose and significance. And we won’t be able to fulfill this without sharing the greatest story ever told— the gospel. Would you share this story with someone today?