Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer: October 9th

Tozer in the Morning – FAITH AND EXPERIENCE

I insist that the effective preaching of Jesus Christ, rightly understood, will produce Christian experience in Christian believers. Moreover, if preaching does not produce spiritual experience and maturing in the believer, that preaching is not being faithful to the Christ revealed in the Scriptures. Let me say it again another way: the Christ of the Bible is not rightly known until there is an experience of Him within the believer, for our Savior and Lord offers Himself to human experience. When Jesus says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,” it is an invitation to a spiritual experience. He is saying, “Will you consent to come? Have you added determination to your consent? Then come; come now!” Yes, our Lord gives Himself to us in experience. David says in Psalms 34: “0 taste and see that the Lord is good.” I think David said exactly what he meant. Surely the Holy Spirit was saying through David: “You have taste buds in your soul for tasting, for experiencing spiritual things. Taste and experience that God is good!”

Tozer in the Evening – Real Worship

If you do not have this fascination, it could be that you are but another Esau. What a tragedy to be born of the red clay and live and die and be buried in the red clay. Shakespeare said of Caesar, “That though he be the emperor yet give nature time and nature will reduce him to a bit of clay that might be used to keep the wind away.” The great Persian poet Omar Khayyam said, “When you drink out of that vessel, drink reverently; it may be your grandfaither’s dust out of which it is made.” What a tragedy to be born out of the red clay and live a secular, earthly life and then die and be buried out of sight in that same red clay. But if you feel the charm, the tug and the pull of God, you will know what the Holy Spirit meant when He said, “I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1). How do you get out of the religious rut? You get out of the rut by giving God your all, letting God have you completely. Concentrate your whole life on God and His Son Jesus Christ. Then seek to know the sweet fascination of loving God. You cannot stay asleep very long when the beauty of Jesus is before your eyes. Some have been asleep long enough. If you could only wake to the voice of your Beloved. If you could only be awakened and roused and hear Him speak, it would be sweeter than the voice of the mocking bird, sweeter than the sound of the harp. The voice of God’s Son–that would get you out of the rut, and that would get you out of your sleep. Jesus Christ is God’s music, God’s poetry, God’s art, God’s beauty, God’s all.

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