Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – December 30

My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord. — Prov 3:11

The Bible always talks to us as children. It comes with a Father’s authority, and also a Father’s gentleness. It is hard, however, not to despise chastening. Of course, it is not possible that we should really find pleasure in being chastened. That is not natural. Indeed the Bible says, “No chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous.” Not even the grace of God in our hearts can take the sting out of chastening. We are not expected then to like it. But we are told not to “despise” it. That is, we are to accept it without murmuring.

It will help us to receive chastening meekly, in faith and love, if we remember that it is “of the Lord.” He sends it. We know that He loves us with infinite affection. He would not take pleasure therefore in causing us pain, nor would He do it at all, were it not in some way for our good. It is because He loves us and would do us good that He sends or permits the suffering.

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