Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – January 29

Without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers. — Rom 1:9

We do not pray enough for others. The tendency of closet or solitary prayer is that we pray only for ourselves. We need to guard against this. No selfishness is quite so unworthy as selfishness when we are at God’s throne of grace. Especially should we pray for our friends. No matter how much we may do for them in practical ways, ministering to them, advancing their interests, speaking on their behalf, showing them kindnesses, if we do not pray for them we have failed in friendship’s most important duty.

We need to give careful thought also to the matter of our prayers for our friends – the things we ask for them. If they are sick, we ask that they may recover, perhaps not thinking to ask also that blessing may come to them in and through their sickness. Our prayers for those we love should always include the things that are indeed the best – God’s best: that God’s will may be done in them, that they may grow in grace and have the image of Christ imprinted on their lives.