Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – January 31

Love worketh no ill to his neighbor. — Rom 13:10

We help or hurt others, according as we stand or falter in life’s trials. We do not know what of the strength it may mean to other souls for us to be faithful any little hour. We do not know what eyes are upon us in the life of the common days, with eager desire to learn if indeed there be grace in Christ to help one to be true. Our victory means for others a brief in Christ’s power to help, and our failure would mean the weakening of faith and hope in them. We never know what interests of others may depend on our being faithful and firm any hour.

“Oh, if our brother’s blood cry out to us,
How shall we meet Thee, who hast loved us all –
Thee whom we never loved, not loving him?
The unloving cannot chant with seraphim,
Bear harp of gold or palm victorious,
Or face the Vision Beatifical.”