Morning Thoughts for Every Day in the Year – January 5

I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. — Isa 41:13

As a father holds the hand of his little child when it walks, so God holds the hand of His children while they walk in the world’s ways. God is ever walking alongside of us. We cannot fail if God is holding our hand. William Canton writes:

Hold Thou my hands!
In grief and joy, in hope and fear,
Lord, let me feel that Thou art near:
Hold Thou my hands!

If e’er by doubts
Of Thy good Fatherhood depressed,
I cannot find in Thee my rest,
Hold Thou my hands!

Hold Thou my hands –
These passionate hands, too quick to smite,
These hands so eager for delight, –
Hold Thou my hands!

And when at length,
With darkened eyes and fingers cold,
I seek some last loved hand to hold,
Hold Thou my hands!