Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit

Zechariah 4:6 “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty.

The “reliance” in “rely on my spirit to get things done” is actually a kind of spiritual exercise. In this exercise, we must learn little by little to give up the dependence on the “power” and “talents” of people, and constantly turn our eyes to our Lord and the Lord’s Holy Spirit. 

According to people’s inclinations, when an event comes or a ministry is about to start, people will first calculate how much “power” or “talent” they can rely on, and carefully count how much “resources” they have from people— -People’s little abacus always fiddles with oneself as the center. In this case, spiritual visions or ministry visions are no longer given from “above”, but are calculated from people’s “power”, “talents”, “resources” and even “environment.” the result of. 

We may have weaknesses in our life. But our God is really a compassionate God. He always uses his spirit to illuminate and guide us when the eyes of our faith are dim. He asked us to practice relying on the Holy Spirit from our knees, and from “quiet” to see God’s own deeds. 

It turns out that the spiritual mystery is that when we prostrate ourselves in front of the Lord, the eyes of faith become piercing, and we will see the vision that guides our service. It has long been high in the sky, as clear and bright as a morning star. And we will also see that the Lord has already prepared all the resources needed in the ministry for God’s kingdom.

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