Quit Making Excuses, Share the Gospel

“So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.” 2 TIMOTHY 1:8

“I can’t share the gospel, I do not know how” 

“I’m too busy, I don’t have time”

“My friend won’t understand the Bible”

“I can’t, I’m not yet ready.”

“I’m scared, they’ll judge me.”

“Next time, I’ll really start sharing the gospel.” 

“Maybe someone will share Jesus with them, but not me.”

“It’s so hard, I can’t”

Sounds familiar? I know you’ve said at least two of these sentences ever since you surrendered your life to Jesus. And I know you don’t feel equipped, ready, and worthy of what God has called you to do, but beloved, what You think doesn’t diminish God’s ability to transform someone’s life. You heard the gospel because it was ever yours to share. It is meant to be heard by imperfect people like you.

The person who shared the gospel with you experienced the same thing you’re feeling right now. He or she had the same doubts as you, and that’s for sure. But imagine if they followed what they felt. Do you think you’ll ever live the way you do right now? I bet not. So please don’t rob people of the opportunity to experience the real joy and peace you have now. Let them experience the love that comes from the One who is Love Himself. 

Do not let your feelings stop you from sharing the gospel to others. What you feel right now will go away tomorrow, but you cannot change the future once the people you love don’t spend eternity in heaven because you had excuses in sharing the gospel. Don’t worry, God doesn’t expect you to be the best in preaching. No one receives a medal or trophy for it. He just calls you to make an effort in making disciples, and the rest is up to Him

Child of God, prioritize your calling and stop making excuses. It is not your responsibility to change the way people think and act. Do you think they’ll judge you? Fear not, God approves of you, and He is proud of you. Remember that you are just a channel of God’s grace and an instrument of His love. But He is still the sole responsible for their transformation. 

It’s tough, but didn’t Jesus promise to be with you even at the end of the age? Yes, to obey God is quite painful and scary sometimes, but so is the pain of regret. Please remember that you were spared from eternal damnation. Help others be spared from it too. 

When the opportunity arises, I hope you always choose to share the gospel. Stop delaying. You’ll never know how a simple conversation could turn into an eternal blessing to someone. Fight the enemy inside your head that says, “you are not worthy. Jesus already died for you, so have courage because you serve the King of Kings.

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