Do not be afraid, I am your shield

After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward”.  Genesis 15:1

In our life, there are so many things that we are afraid of. Even facing our future, we have some doubts in our life thinking if our dreams will come to pass. Now let us consider that our dreams are not our own but God’s. He is the one putting those dreams in our hearts for us to pursue. Those dreams are healthy and wonderful so why be afraid?

By pursuing our dreams in life are not easy, but we have God leading our ways. He assures that our life is safe but if ever there will be an unexpected happening, He is our shield, he will protect us from harm so that we will reach our dreams safe and sound. Why be afraid if God is our shield? He is our victory and our salvation. 

Yes, it is true that we are uncertain of our future, but God said in Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Fear not whatever circumstance we are facing, remember, God is always with us and he will make our dreams come true since he is the author of our dreams. He is our shield and our salvation.

If we are in our right behavior to God, surely, he will bring us into the bright future. He sets thousands of blessings ahead of us. He is serious about making His promises to us and He wanted that we are also serious about taking His words for us. 

Instead of complaining about our life, why not thanking Him for what he has done for us? He is our reward, what are we looking for? Are his promises not enough? Or we are simply not trusting him? No horrors of life that God cannot save us. Accept the truth that God loves you so much and he will not let you down. Fear not, he is your shield and your reward.

Honest to goodness

Intimacy with God

It is finished

You are never alone