Genesis 28:21 “and I return to my father’s house in safety, then the Lord will be my God”.
You might ask, where do I find a safe place? Many people nowadays are finding a safe place to live. I have been a pastor in Siasi, Sulu Philippines for almost nine years. Now, what is Sulu? It is the most critical place in our country. There, I experienced a terrible culture shock since I am not used to hearing guns firing, kidnappings left and right and even huge fires in the town when it burns because of dynamite explosion.
At first, I thought it was a wrong place because it was not really a safe place for me. And many people also in my country do not want to go to this place because of the poor peace and order and beside it is only a small island. But since then when I committed my life to God, I became in-love to that place. I was in-love to their culture, their way of living and most of all I am in-love to the people that live there.
I was not one of them in terms of culture and race locally. But in the middle of nowhere God did not abandon me because I was obedient to his calling. In almost nine years, God protected me in the place that I called not my own. In the same way, we have no way to run except in the presence of God because it is the only safe place.
Wherever you are in this world do not forget that the loving arms of God are embracing you. As he promised to Jacob that he will watch over him wherever he goes. In effect, Jacob replied to God with a vow “then the Lord will be my God”. In this account, Jacob recognized that God was always with him throughout his journey. And he knows that in the presence of God he is safe.
We cannot find a safe place in this world as safe as in the presence of God. But we do not need to be worried about our safety because our loving Father can afford to keep us safe wherever we are. Your safety is God’s business. Therefore, do not worry about it for God is your protector all the days of your life.
If you have not come in the presence of God yet, do not delay for today is the day of salvation. God is your safety.