Matthew 13:2 And large crowds gathered to Him, so He got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd was standing on the beach. Matthew 14:32-33 When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”.
If we travel by sea, we need to see to it if the weather is good. When the weather is favorable, we make a book or buy a ticket for our trip. During the long trip, we do not know what the situation lies ahead. If there will be a sudden storm along the way, the safety of every individual will depend on the captain. The captain is responsible for everything happening, he has to make sure that everything is okay. We do not consider all storms that the captain is capable of crossing.
If we put our trust in man, sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. We cannot rely our future on man, we cannot reach the best destination by human strength. But if Jesus is on board, we are sure that we can reach our destination especially if He is the captain of the boat.
When Jesus sat on the boat, the crowd fastened their ears to Jesus while He was speaking. They really love to listen to him because every word that comes out from his mouth is highlighted. We need JESUS in our life as our teacher, coach and as a captain. We need to give up our life to Him and be submissive to his authority. His instructions are our guide to our journey in life.
One time, there was also one incident, when Jesus and His disciples were on the same boat and the storm was trying to strike them down. On that night, the strong wind caught their attention and instead of praying they were crying and blaming Jesus for not doing anything to help them.
Before Jesus rebuked the storm, he rebuked first his disciples saying, “you of little faith” then he commanded the wind to calm down and it was so. That time the disciples witnessed how amazing what Jesus had done. The boat symbolizes our life, and the captain symbolizes Jesus. We are all sailors in this world that need a captain to direct our life.
A captain that can give us exact advice, will instruct us what to do if the storm comes in our life. Your faith in Him will bring you into your dream destination. Your confidence in life will increase, your journey is always smooth because Jesus the Son of God is on board.