I believe what lies in the center of the human heart, is the desire to be wanted and accepted.
No one likes to be excluded, or rejected by their peers.
It hurts to be left out.
I remember as a child, I often felt that way.
I always wanted to be one of the kids who would gather together, sharing stories and secrets.
Sometimes the whispers were cutting remarks, generated to belittle, or berate those whom the ‘crowd’ deemed inferior.
I am sure we have all been the subject of ridicule from time to time.
As we grow into adulthood, the need for acceptance continues.
Can we then assume one of the key factors for motivating us to gossip, is for recognition?
As we age, our ideals may change. But our hearts, beneath the scars are relatively the same.
I realize when the opportunity arises at work, to gather together and chatter, I feel tempted.
But, God showed me when we try to fill a void by doing what is wrong, we create a vicious cycle.
When we resist the temptation to share in idle talk, it enables God to infuse us with His strength.
Essentially, we are given the capabilities to stave off further temptation.
I confess I have partaken in unsavory conversations before.
But now that I know the motivating force behind the act, I know I want to please God and not worry about being accepted by everyone else.
Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.