God gives us His brilliance and we are never the same again

Isaiah 51:3 For the Lord will comfort Zion; He will comfort all her waste places, And He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord.  Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song or instrument of praise.

God is asking us at this time of renewal and change, “Where is your wilderness?”

It is essential that we recognize the primary purpose God brings us to, or we find ourselves in the wilderness of life.

Let us get a mental picture of a wilderness: Desolation, quiet, emptiness, if you will. Do you think God meets us there so we may put aside all confusion and calamity, we can quiet our minds to hear His voice, His still, small voice?

God is multi-purposeful in His designs for our lives! 

Have you ever looked into a diamond?

Within the structure of the diamond, there are many prisms, which cause the diamond to reflect the light. Liken that to God in our lives.

He is the Master Craftsman Who designs us to reflect His light.

As a diamond may have imperfections, or occlusions, likewise we have flaws.

But given over to our Lord and Savior, we take on His light. When we submit to Him,

we become His work of art. He gives us His brilliance and we are never the same again.