God is saying to you today, “You are vital to Me.
You are My church, you are My body.
Do not minimize your purpose in this life. Does a body not need a hand or foot?
Would you not be at a great disadvantage without an ear to hear, or a mouth to speak?
All of these parts are utilized in various ways. But they are needful just the same.
You are all playing an integral part of the eternal, when you offer the gift of salvation to others.
I have appointed every one of My children to do your part, by bringing souls into My Kingdom for such a time as this.
This is the great commission:
Go into all the world and preach the gospel.
You do not need to be a scholar, or possess degrees in religious theology to join the cause for humanity.
You only have to be willing.
I will equip you with the words
straight from My heart.
My children, you do not have to do everything, just do something.
Today make your “something” count!”