Are you in control of your destiny?
You survived with grace and savvy,
Wow, you must be a master of ingenuity!
But don’t be so quick giving yourself the glory.
He holds the secret behind our story.
So when we grow short sighted and we kind of get blinded
By tales of “I worked for and got what I wanted.”
Know this:
He’s the One that did
The grunt work, kid!
It wasn’t a cakewalk,
God always goes BIG!
The blood that was spilled,
For the promise fulfilled,
His suffering was real,
On Calvary’s hill.
He’s engraved on our hearts,
Our souls are embossed.
But, oh what a cost,
To save the lost!
He did it for you,
He did it for me,
He went to extremes,
To set us free.
Tales of your glory days,
Of how you paved your way,
Will dim and fade,
When we realize
His love and grace.
He is our everything,
The Prince of Peace,
Our very being,
Rests in the King.
So let us give credit,
Where credit’s deserved,
Our Savior Jesus is
Redeemer of the world.