The Lord says today,
“When have I ever slacked and relaxed my hold on you?
Do not think because I am not parting the waters, I am not working steadily on your behalf.
Beneath a deep ocean lies an endless bustle of activity.
Yet the surface appears seamlessly calm.
Likewise, the waves may break and currents flow. But it nary affects the life that abides deep below.
This is where your faith should stand in the cavernous valleys of life on earth.
“Deep” faith is unaffected by the tempestuous storms.
It stands firmly planted by the Rock of Ages and nothing can uproot the absolute belief in the One True Lord Who carries the whole of the universe in His mighty grasp.
You are sustained, not by your own might, or power.
But by the Spirit of the almighty God Who promises to never to relax His hold on you, ever!”